January 20 2018
Soyuz 21, contemporary ensemble Zürich

Photobastei, Zürich
Steingrimur Rolhoff – Magic Number (2016) für Violoncello
Mauro Hertig – Ping Pol (2015) für Stahlsaitengitarre mit Metallgleitstahl SE
Mauro Hertig – Cello Solo 2 (2012) für Violoncello
Anda Kryeziu – T (2017) für präpariertes Tubax und Zuspiel UA
Pierluigi Billone – Sgorgo Y (2012) für elektrische Gitarre
Sascha Armbruster – Saxophon
Mats Scheidegger – Gitarre

February 3 2018
ECLAT 2018
Stuttgart / Theaterhaus / T4
Marianthi Papalexandri-Alexandri: Distanz
performative Installation for Violoncello and resonant bodies premiere

February 4 2018
ECLAT 2018
Stuttgart / Theaterhaus / T3
Francesca Verunelli: Ultimi Fiori
for Violoncello Solo (2016/17) Premiere of the new version
Kompositionsauftrag von Musik der Jahrhunderte

March 2 2018
numu-neue und unendeckte Musik
Claquekeller, Baden
Matter Pieces – Timothy McCormack
Timothy Mccormack, Komposition
Séverine Ballon, Violoncello
Richard Haynes, Klarinette
Juna Winston, Posaune
Chris Watford, Fagott

March 3 2018
Le printemps des poètes,
théâtre du vieux Colombier, Paris
Qu’il vive, poèmes de René Char,
dits par Dominique Blanc,
Séverine Ballon, violoncelle, composition

March 17 2018
Haus der Berliner Festspiele
Time and Motion Study I
für Bassklarinette (1971-1977)
Time and Motion Study II
für singende Cellistin und Live-Elektronik (1973-1976)
Time and Motion Study III
für 16 Solostimmen mit Perkussion und Elektronik (1974)

April 22 2018
Elision Ensemble
Liza Lim An ocean beyond earth (2016) 16″
for solo violoncello with violin
Dominik Karski Motion and form (2003) 8’
for percussion, harp and contrabass
Evan Johnson three reversed movements, to bring destroyed objects back to life [2014] 4’
for solo piano
Annie Hui-Hsin Hsieh The thin air between skins (2007) 10’
for flute and violoncello
Séverine Ballon cloches fendues I and II (2017) 13″
for solo violoncello
Timothy McCormack Kiln 2 (rev 2017-18) 35’
for bass clarinet, percussion, contrabassMelba Hall, Melbourne

May 12 2018
Instituto Tomie Ohtake, Sao Paulo
Luigi Dallapiccola Ciaccona, Intermezzo e Adagio (1945)
Aldo Clementi Lento (1984)
Morton Feldman Intersection 4 (1953)
Liza Lim an ocean beyond earth (2016)
Séverine Ballon reflets World Premiere 2018

May 13 2018
Instituto Tomie Ohtake, Sao Paulo
Hans Werner Henze Serenade (1949)
Iannis Xenakis Kottos (1978)
Thierry Blondeau Black bird World Premiere of the new version (2016)
Jacques Ibert Ghirlarzana (1951)
Georges Aperghis récitation 3 (1980)
Séverine Ballon cloches fendues 1 (2017)

june 22-23 2018
Louth contemporary music society,
the book of hours

 june 30 2018
BBC open ear
Chaya Czernowin: Adentium capillus veneris no. I / SONGS OF THE MUTED ONE  (Arr. Severine Ballon, 2015)
Séverine Ballon paroles Premiere
LSO St Luke’s, London


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